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Momentous Leap - Day 7 : Life & Culture Evolve in Layers - Leaps are Inevitable in Stratified Systems
Preface- The only way we can successfully envision the possible ways in which the future might unfold and how we can positively influence that unfolding, is to understand the dynamics of the evolution and transformation of living systems. We did not arrive here by accident- where we are today in the Anthropocene is the direct result of where we came from and how we transitioned through thousands of years of evolution.
The polycrisis we are in was caused by 250 years of runaway industrial development (Era 3), and we are now in the transition to Era 4 as you’ll discover in future episodes. Our evolution as a species has accelerated dramatically, to the point where we are experiencing a momentous leap in every aspect of society and our lives. The breakdowns and breakthroughs are coming fast and thick, and we need a collectively intelligent, wiser way to navigate this transition for thriveable outcomes.
Are you looking for some hope and inspiration? Then read on. If you read Days 1 to 6 (and thousands of you did), thanks for your positive feedback, and enjoy this next short installment.
Day 7 is part of a 48-part series on thriveable transformation in the 21st Century, excerpted from: “The Momentous Leap- Thriveable Transformation in the 21st Century: Healing Ourselves, Healing our Planet”. The book contains 9 Parts- Parts 1–7 have five “episodes” each, while Parts 8 and 9 have seven and six…